Friday, August 31, 2012

Puppy Yoga

There is nothing like a good morning stretch and belly rub

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Foot Fetish

Graham likes feet. More so, he likes getting his chest rubbed by people feet. If you come to our house and hold your foot out you will find a lil brown down sitting by your foot giving you that bagging look that only dogs can do.

I don't really know how this started but I'm pretty sure Josh had something to do with it. Graham will leave his spot next to you on the couch to jump by your foot to get a rub. I'm doing homework and wiggling my foot around and I'll start kicking something, Graham! If your foot pops out from under a blanket....Graham will find it! The more people at our house, the more feet he will go from one to the other to the next. I haven't seen him do it to anyone but me, but if I ignore him enough he will bat at my foot, head butt it, and give it kisses to try and get my attention.

Graham would rather be pet with your foot then with your hand

Monday, August 13, 2012

Night Night Time

The other night I was greeted with a Kodak moment at the top my stairs on my way to bed. Normally when it's bed time I have to call out "night night time" and one of the dogs will go racing up the stairs. Typically it's Graham heading up the stairs and I have to pull Lola out of her crate or away from a sock. On occasion Graham will lay down at the top of the stairs waiting for me to come up. 

The other night as Josh headed to bed and I took my sweet time rounding things up downstairs before heading up. As I start to climb the stairs I look up to see my two little fluffy butts waiting for me! It was the cutest thing ever, both had there heads resting on the top stair and both of them seemed half asleep. Usually as I start going up the stairs they get up and either head towards the bed room or run circles in the small hallway at the top of the stairs. Not this time, this time they stayed laying there until I got to the top to sweep em up in my arms and carry them away to bed. It was as if they were telling me it was night night time <3

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Lola's Bruise (and bald spot)

After a weekend trip to the vet, my poor Lola is sporting a nice little bald spot.

A few months ago Lola was due for some shots. We made our trip to the vet, got our shots and that was that. Well a week or so later Lola got a bit stinky, like all dogs do, and I discovered what looked like a bruise. Lola didn't seem to upset about it so I decided to keep an eye on it. I figured it was either a reaction to a shot or Graham had attempted to beat her up.

A bit later, maybe a month, our groomer noticed it. All I can think is "Great, now PetSmart things I abuse my dogs!". When we picked her up our groomer had already left for the day but the other girls pointed it out....same spot as it had been when I originally saw it. I asked the groomers, after telling them I was aware they probably had no answer for me, if it was a bruise or something I should be concerned with. Of course, they had no answer, but said it looked like how dogs with massive mats look after the mats are being cut and how they all found it odd since she had no mats. So we left the groomers and decided to just keep our eyes on it. Our wedding was in a few weeks and, like before, she wasn't acting like it bothered her.

So now that the wedding is nearly two months over with, Lola was getting another bath and.....that dang bruise was STILL THERE!!!! A few days later a postcard came saying she was due for her bordetella at the vet and I thought, thank god, we are going to get this checked out now.

Of course this pesky bruise isn't any easy to see with her massive amount of fur that is in some needing of being groomed. So while at the vet I pushed her fur around a bit and was able to find it to show our vet. From the little viewing area we had it almost looked like a little scratch. I thought in my head "great it's clearing up!". Our vet asked if we had noticed her being itchy lately and both Josh and I agreeded that nothing was out of the norm. The vet suggested that we shave a little spot of her fur and he would give us some cream to put on it since it really did look like a spot that had been itched to much. We gave the go ahead to shave a little spot and to the vet's surprise the little scratch was defiantly not a scratch.

Our vet agreed it was defiantly more bruise like and was a bit shocked on how big it was once the fur was gone. He seems a bit baffled by it but gave Lola a shot of antibiotics in hopes that it would clear up whatever was causing it. So not only does my little Lola have a bruise, and an officially weird bruise, but she is also now rocking a bald spot. If she is standing it is pretty unnoticeable due to her hair's length but when she lays down it's pretty visible. 

I'm trying not to worry about it to much. Although it hasn't gone away, it also hasn't gotten any worse. And Like I said above, she doesn't even seem to notice it.

 If anyone has any ideas of what this might be your help would be greatly appreciated. It's not very fun when something isn't quite 100% right with your fur-baby and your vet can't give you an answer. I'm hoping someone out there has dealt with something like this before and can help calm my nerves by having some type of answer.