Thursday, August 16, 2012

Foot Fetish

Graham likes feet. More so, he likes getting his chest rubbed by people feet. If you come to our house and hold your foot out you will find a lil brown down sitting by your foot giving you that bagging look that only dogs can do.

I don't really know how this started but I'm pretty sure Josh had something to do with it. Graham will leave his spot next to you on the couch to jump by your foot to get a rub. I'm doing homework and wiggling my foot around and I'll start kicking something, Graham! If your foot pops out from under a blanket....Graham will find it! The more people at our house, the more feet he will go from one to the other to the next. I haven't seen him do it to anyone but me, but if I ignore him enough he will bat at my foot, head butt it, and give it kisses to try and get my attention.

Graham would rather be pet with your foot then with your hand

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