Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

Since moving into the house we have talked about training our dogs to go potty outside and not inside on a potty patch. Our poor carpet ended being the patch. So after a recent carpet cleaning it was time to step up. The dogs quickly learned that after someone came home from work they are to go straight to the door. They excitedly wait until you hook them up and open the door.

Sadly, taking them out one time a day does not magically teach them to go potty outside. So I began running them out every so often int he afternoons and waking up early in the morning. The first morning outside adventure, both peeded outside but Lola didn't pooh until coming back inside, since then it wasn't any issue anymore! The morning is easy with Lola, she can't jump out of the bed on her own she she has to wait until you wake up to be put down to go potty. On the other hand, Graham can jump up and down as he pleases. Thankfully he seems to like to go downstairs to were the potty patch is to go potty so it's little clean up. I'm sure he sneaks out of bed but I feel I've been good at waking up around the same time as him and telling him to wait, which he is very good at.

In the last couple weeks we've made progress. Very few accidents found in the house, and every so often someone may bark or get antsy by the door. Not sure if they are realizing that is what they need to do or if it's a lucky guess on both our parts. I noticed the other morning that Lola was sneaking into our second bedroom upstairs. I dunno what it is about that room, but she loves to poop in it! She could have just took a number 2 outside and the second she walks in she goes again in that room! Well, I needed to do some printing tonight so I open the door and to my surprise.....POOOPY!!!!! Someone has been sneaking in there to do their duty and I think I know who!! Guess it's to early to be able to leave that door open.

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