Monday, May 28, 2012

Counting Down

I thought without having classes for 8 weeks I would be able to start a good habit of blogging on a regular basis. Then again, working, working out, wedding planning and preparing, and honeymoon preparing does take up some time.

May 31st - June 7th is the busiest time of the year for us at work and my wedding date lands on June 9th (that wasn't part of the plan when we set our date!). Then we lave for Jamaica on June 10th! At points I find myself stuck on my couch unsure what to do next!

The dogs got groomed yesterday to prepare them for the big day. I must say,this is one of the cutest cuts they have had!! I normally just get them cut short and let it grow out until I'm sure they can't see me anymore through all the hair in their face and start over. This time in I asked for them to be kept a bit fluffy so they won't look freshly groomed but still have a nice cute. There is always that time between grooming appointments were they look perfect and I never remember to take their picture!! But now they look amazing and I have a picture!!

All groomed and ready for Ma and Pa's big day!

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