Saturday, November 2, 2013

Our Trip to the Vet

Today was our first time taking both dogs to the vet at the same time. Graham was due for his yearly check up and loads of shots and Lola was there for a post surgery check up. Graham was up first and, like normal, took his shots like a champ. Then it was Lola's turn. We got a good laugh Graham kept standing on his back feet to try and see what they where doing to Lola on the table. The vet commented and got a chuckle about the interesting dynamic between our dogs.

I told him about Lola's progress so far. I mentioned there was still a slight limp but over all things where better. He was feeling her leg and taking a look at it and looked up at us and simply said "beautiful!". She is healing perfectly :). He said we may notice the limp when it's cool and damp weather like we have been having. He also said the limping on the other occasions I brought up where still normal and she is still strengthening the leg and learning to use it again.

We explained to him the great lengths we go to keep her from doing things he said she can't do. He jokingly asked if we could just hang out in his lobby so we could talk to other pet parents on how to properly handle there dogs after surgery since we are following instructions and she's healing so well. He said after the 10 weeks up we can lift restrictions on her if we don't notice anything else wrong. He also said since we pushed this appointment back a week and she's looking amazing right now that he won't need to see her again. I feel like Lola flew this recovery with an A+ and five gold stars!

While hanging out and talking to him Graham threw up a little. The vet put him back on the table and took his temp and asked us to just keep an eye on him today because of all the shots. He said it may have been something as simple as nerves. So we go back to the lobby to pay and as I'm pulling out my card I look over to Graham taking the BIGGEST pooh I have EVER seen him take! Worked out in the end, I forgot to bring a stool sample with us!

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