Monday, November 4, 2013

Our Vet Filled Weekend!!!

So I last left you off yesterday morning. I sat downstairs wrote my blog, got together a grocery list, drank my coffee, had the dogs sleeping around me, and Josh was still in bed.  Graham had has reaction to his shots the day before but was doing fine and Lola seemed to be doing a bit better since her coughing episodes. Josh came downstairs and I pointed out how well Lola seemed to be doing and I mentioned that if the coughing kept up today I would for sure be bringing her in on Monday to get looked at again. Although the Robitussin seemed to be helping I wasn't sure if it would help her like it helps you and I. Well, I must of jinxed things when I brought this up to Josh.

Lola woke up and.....cough. A minute or so later and another cough. I picked her up and did my best to calm her down but her one cough quickly turned into a couple coughs. I knew where this was going and lucky us Lola had decided to wait for office hours at our vet. So I gave them a call and they had the vet call me back.  At this point Lola's coughs had already had her irritated to the point of making herself sick again. Thank god I got to talk to our normal vet and not have to reexplain the situation. He was baffled on why she was still coughing! He said her lungs and stomach all checked out fine the day before and her temp was fine so he felt no rush in seeing her. He brought up the Robitussin and I said I had already tried that in the morning and he said to give Benadryl a shot.

I would like to say Lola normally likes the taste of her Baby Benadryl but after having Robitussin down her mouth she wasn't such a fan of getting more meds. I managed to get her to take some and luckily didn't get another pink beard. After a bit she calmed down, the coughing went away, and she cuddled up for a good ol Benadryl nap. After keeping on eye on her for a bit we felt fine with leaving her home alone and getting some groceries. I also sent a text to my manager letting her know I may or may not be running Lola to the vet the next day but I would keep her updated. I still wasn't feeling good about this cough.

We left and got our groceries and came home. We tend to the leave the dogs in their crates while we put things away and then take them outside. While we put things away we heard it.......cough.............cough.........cough. We let the dogs out to see if Lola could calm herself down but, I think we knew what the outcome was going to be. The only thing different was Lola seemed to still have a bit of her peppy attitude and was playing around a bit but still coughing pretty frequently. So, we called the vet office again not seeing the point in waiting for her to make herself sick again. Although the vet isn't in, the office is open noon to 5 on Sundays and since it was 3:30 we decided to call before it got to late. So we call and they call the vet who calls me back. He tells me he has called a prescription in for Lola and for us to pick it up. It's a pill to help with coughing. He still felt confident in not needing to see her again and said to give the pills a shot and if things don't clear up in a few days he would like to see her again.

We grabbed the pills, had some supper, and came home and gave Lola her pill. She took the pill and soon after had crashed for the night. I'm not sure if the pill made her tired or if it helped halt the coughing allowing her to get some good sleep. I think we had a couple coughs last night as we fell asleep but no coughing fits. As far as I know we have had no coughing at all today. I'm not sure why Lola seems to feel the need to be such a medical mystery all the time but I'm glad that she is once again feeling better.

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