Sunday, November 3, 2013

Our Vet Filled Saturday!

So I already posted about our Saturday vet trip that started at 10am. Little did we know it would turn into a vet kind of day! To do a quick recap, our vet appointment was at 10. Graham had some shots and ending up throwing up a little while at the vet. Lola was there for her post surgery check up and passed with flying colors.

We got home and since Graham was moping around we decided to order pizza so we could stay home and keep an eye on him. After eating Josh played his video game, Graham slept on the couch, and Lola and I took a quick nap on the floor. I woke up to one of Josh's friends coming over and Graham puking a little bit again. We hung out with Josh's friend for a bit, Josh was planning to go to the store with him, but suddenly it turned into a bit of a circus at our house! We'll start with Graham.

Graham started to just get weird after our nap. He seemed to keep trying to itch his head on things and bury it under blankets. He kept shaking his head and at first we thought something was bugging him but he kept doing it. He also would go into Lola's crate, spazz out a bit, then go to his and bury his head in his blankets and curl up. Even when he was rubbing his back on the floor he seemed to do an extra little twitch move to get a good head itch. We noticed the skin you can see around his eye had gotten BRIGHT red. So Josh got Graham to sit on his lap and I started to see if something was bugging his face. I checked his ears and both where BRIGHT red and where really warm when you touched them. At one point I held Graham and he was just dead weight when you held him. So because of Graham being weird and what Lola was doing, which we will get to next, Josh stayed home so we could figure things out. We decided the best thing to do was call the vet for Graham. We called the office and lucky for us, the vet called the office right after us so we simply had to be put on hold. He was pretty sure it was just a reaction to one of his shots and recommended Benadryl and giving it an hour to kick in. So that we did.

While all this is going on, Lola decided she hated the cardigan I was wearing and had put on the floor and puked all over it and the blanket we were laying on. At first we thought nothing of it and cleaned it up. She then developed this odd cough. It was just a cough then she laid there then another cough and then nothing then a cough and so on. So while dealing with Graham, Lola is coughing. Somewhere along the time of calling the vet and giving Graham some meds her cough turned into 3 or 4 coughs and then her getting sick and it wasn't stopping. We had puke on all areas of our floor, on my clothes, and on my leg. YUCK! So after trying all our tricks to calm her down and noticing this isn't her normal cough thing she does when she gets to excited or drinks water to fast we called the vet back. The lady in the office called the vet and called us back and said she may just be over stressed from the vet visit today but he would gladly come in and look  at her. We thought it over for a mere second and decided since both dogs where having issues we just bring them both in. It is now 3:30ish.

So we run our dogs into the vet for the second time for the day! Of course, Lola stops hacking and puking when we get in the car. When we get there he looks Graham over and decides to give him a steroid shot and they noted in his records that he would need that prior to shots in the future because of his reaction. He then looked Lola over. Temp was fine, nothing seemed painful to her when he poked around, and of course she quite doing. We laughed about her being a medical mystery and never wanting to show the vet what was bothering her. We also laughed because she was acting up when nothing had happened to her at the vet that day. He went ahead and gave her a shot to try and prevent her from getting sick anymore and said no more food for her for the night. We thanked the vet for coming in and we went back home. Josh sat on the floor playing his video game and Lola curled up by him and took a another nap and I curled up with Graham on the couch and we took a nap as well.

We woke up around 7. Lola suddenly started her coughing again! It was the same as before. One cough with a pause that quickly turned into a few coughs with a little puke. So we called the vet again, just wanting her to stop coughing. It was a different vet on-call for the night so we explained what had happened. He explained it could be her trachea but I explained that her cough for that was a totally different cough then this and that my tricks to calm those coughs down weren't working. He said we could bring her in if we wanted to or we could try giving her cough medicine and see how she did for the night. We opted for the cough medicine idea and to keep an eye on her since we didn't want to pay the after-hours fee and risk her being fine when we showed up again. The vet also explained that the vomiting may be due to her coughing to much and irritating her throat, just like humans. I had started to wonder if that was happening when the coughing started a second time.

The cough medicine seems to be working ok. She woke me up with two small cough attacks over night but nothing lead to getting sick and she was able to stop it herself and cuddle back up and get some sleep. The vet on the phone said we could give her the cough syrup two times a day so I went ahead and gave her some this morning and then sat her in the bathroom with me when I took a bath thinking the steam always made my throat feel better. Not really sure what our next move is from here but if the coughing doesn't stop soon I think another vet visit is in our future.

Lola wanted a pink beard instead of medicine in her mouth.

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