Monday, April 23, 2012

Anxious Graham

I've always figured Graham had some small anxiety issues. He seemed to get worried more then other dogs, leaked a little when he was scared, and seemed scared of almost everything. When he was a puppy we bought a new mop. Josh decided to chase Graham with the mop which resulted in us getting to use our new mop!

However this weekend began to make me wonder if we needed to try something new. We visited my parents for a bridal shower and, of course, the pups came along. Josh and I went to see a movie Friday night. We found out Saturday night that Graham had spent a portion of the night pawing a their door whining. This began to make me worry how he was going to handle hanging out with my parents for a whole week when we go on our honeymoon. Lucky for us we had a vet visit that was due.

We have been wondering about the thunder shirts for the dogs. We figured it would help with Graham and we also have terrible luck with both the dogs and car rides. We've even wondered if it would help calm Lola down so she would stop barking at at the thunder thinking she could beat it up! always, our small vet trip turns into a pricey one!

Thunder Shirts
Graham almost seemed to instantly calm down. Not 100% but you could tell he was pacing around less. The car ride home was more enjoyable. He still was undecided on what lap to sit in but was quite and would sit in a lap longer then the ride there.

Graham and his Thunder Shirt

Lola on the other hand, may not be enjoying hers as much. We'll have to see how it tests out but as soon as I put it on she did that fun thing were they freeze and refuse to move.

Lola and her Thunder Shirt
I even picked her up and moved her to the couch and she still was frozen...

Frozen Lola

It's been a few minutes now and she's doing lots better. Can't wait to try these out in the next car ride and storm! Really hoping they help Graham when we are gone for a whole week.

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