it's hard to get up in the mornings. Sometimes I went to bed too late,
sometimes it's the weather, and other times it's because I'm dealing with two
fluffy cuddlers.
Cuddly Graham |
Some days, I swear, they know exactly when my alarm is going to go off.
They will sit on my pillow just waiting. The second I move its kisses and puppy
tails wagging! Other mornings, I think they would hit the snooze button if they
could. I've had mornings where Lola jumps when the alarm goes off. I've had
mornings where one of the pups will barely lift their head and give me the
sleepy, stank eye, and lay back down. And other mornings they simply don’t move
an inch until I’m 100% out of bed. It’s nice on the weekends when they want to cuddle
but it sure makes it hard to get out of bed to go to work when they are being
little sweat hearts.
Lola Laying on Me |
tends to normally sleep on my right side and graham enjoys Josh’s spot. Occasionally
I’ll wake up to a dog attempting to take over my pillow. My favorite is when
sleepy cuddling time moves from the bed downstairs to the couch.
Nap Time Belly Rub |
Sometimes I'm Lucky to Sleep on the Pillow |
Nap Time! |
The best time for cuddles is when it's slightly chilly. Some mornings I'll wake up to little puppy kisses on my face. That is Lola's signal for me to lift the blanket so she can cuddle up underneath. Graham has recently learned how to tuck himself in. Graham likes to find an opening in the blanket and then worm his way under it until his head pops out the opposite side he snuck in. I have woken up a good number of mornings to find graham perfectly tucked under the blankets and occasionally his head on Josh's pillow!
Graham Successfully Tucked In |
I love my cuddle time with my pups. I hate how having to go to work sometimes cuts in with this time. Some people may go to work on the cloudy, rainy, gloomy days thinking "man my bed and blankets sound comfy right now". I go to work thinking "man my bed and blankets sound so comfy with my pups cuddled up with me!"
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