Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Frozen Pup

I'll admit it and I'll admit it with pride.....I like to put clothes on my dogs.People may laugh and think I'm odd but when they see Graham in a sweater and Lola in one of her winter coats they always say how cute they are!...ok not EVERYONE, but most everyone!! If you've ever seen me put an outfit on Lola....why yes, she does growl and try to chew my fingers off. But once the outfit is on, she loves it! In fact, she even gets excited to put her Snuggie on after she gets groomed. And yes you read that right, Lola has a Snuggie along with coats, raincoats, hoodies, dresses, sweaters and costumes.

Dragon Costume


Sometimes it may be a little questionable about how Lola feels about her outfits. Sometimes she will freeze into place for awhile after putting an outfit on. She will ALWAYS freeze if the outfit has a hoodie and you put the hood up.

Lola decided to freeze again tonight after putting her Thunder Shirt on. This is a rare photo of Lola! She hates being on her back, won't even roll over for a belly rub, but somehow she froze in this position until I took a picture and then took some pity and rolled her over.

Opossum Lola

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Puppy Fever

There is something about puppies. I love my dogs to pieces but I'm getting puppy fever. I don't even really WANT a puppy, I just want to play with a puppy......REALLY REALLY bad!!! Looking at pics of my pups and other pups just doesn't help!!! I just want to play with a little tiny thing that will tucker out and then curl up and sleep in my arms. And not just sleep like dogs sleep but how puppies sleep, that 100% out cold puppy sleep were they relay on you to protect them while they catch their Z's. If any of my friends are reading this.....please purchase a puppy so I may play with it!!! Three dogs is just to many for me to handle and I have to many years of Lola and Graham to enjoy before tiny lil pup can enter our house long term.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Air Swimming

When we lived at the loft all of our air registers were in the ceiling. I had longed to see what Lola would do with a blast of air coming at her from below. I had a tiny glance of it at my parent’s house during one visit but all that happened was a look of shock and then a loss of interest. When we bought our house and moved in I was excited! I was for sure something funny would happen or our dogs would enjoy warming up by them in the winter and cooling down on them in the summer. Six months in and our dogs acted like they haven’t even noticed the air registers and the blowing of warm of cold air coming from them! So the other day I took it upon myself to make them figure it out.

First I picked Graham up and put him over the air. He didn’t seem to mind it but was a bit unsure of what to do….odd behavior since this is the dog that pee’s when he sees new things! The end result was Graham in a superman pose as his fur fluffed in the wind and his ears seemed like little parachutes.

Second I picked up Lola. Again I was not met with shock or a terrified dog trying to wrestle out of my hands. Instead I was met with swimming. The second the air touched her belly Lola began to swim. I think I may have peed my pants from laughing! It was the last the thing I was expecting.

I gave the dogs a break for the day from teasing them with the air register. It only took a few days before my urge to take the dogs air swimming was too much to bear!

I picked up Graham, who is afraid of everything, seemed more annoyed then anything and began to slowly swim.

I then picked up Lola who dutifully began to swim. Lola seems to be an excellent swimmer and was kicking her little paws as best as she could. The lower to the ground I held her the faster she would kick!

Oddly both dogs don’t seem to mind our little air swimming times. We’ve done it a few times and I swear Lola barked at me to hold her over it one time! They don’t act scared of the air register at all, in fact they still just ignore it. And when they are swimming they don’t struggle to get away, they simply swim.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Belle's Big, Scary Weekend

Meet Belle. She is my fur-sister. I think Belle can thank Lola for warming my mom up to indoor pets. Growing up I was always told I couldn't have an indoor pet. Of course that never stopped me from sneaking my rabbits inside the house for the day or even sneaking indoor pets, such as gerbils and hamsters, into my room. But somehow things changed and my parents bought Belle. Belle is the tiniest littlest dog in my life and I often ask her if she is even real because of how small she is! Her small size is made up for by her BIG personality and her LARGE amount of energy! She is also probably the only dog that Graham will play with. They seem to be the definition of BFF.

Tiny little Belle

Belle is a Morkie, just like Graham. You can tell from her looks though that she picked up more Yorkie then Graham did. The Yorkie in Belle was able to teach us this weekend that Yorkie's can have liver troubles. It started Friday night when I got a call from my mom. They were playing with Belle when she suddenly got sick. Really, really, really sick.When I first talked to my mom they had been waiting in the vet's waiting room for 30 minutes and had had no news. She said Belle was barely clinging on during the car ride to the vet. I couldn't even imagine seeing my dog the way my mom described what had happened with Belle. She was fine one minute and the next minute was throwing up. Belle began to seizure and then just went limp. After 3 hours in the vet clinic's waiting room, my parents found out it had something to do with Belle's liver. 

Is that a bill goat?? No, It's Belle!
My parents learned over the weekend that Belle's liver wasn't functioning properly and her body was basically poisoning it's self. A MRI was scheduled for today, Monday, to let them know just what was wrong with the liver. They faced two options, either a problem with a shunt that would require surgery or something that could be taken care of with medications. I got a call tonight that Belle is home and won't need the surgery, however she is on a special diet and will need to take 3 pills a day for the rest of her life to make sure everything functions properly.

It's hard to get a good pic of Graham and Belle!

I'm glad Belle is doing better and her problem was fixable. I try to prepare myself for the time when Lola and Graham won't be able to be with me any longer, but it helps to know I still have many many years with them. It's hard to hear about fur babies that are so sick at such a young age. Loosing a dog is hard no matter what, but loosing a dog after a couple years is a different type of hard then living a full life with them. I'm glad my parents were able to avoid that situation. I am also glad they were able to get her the help she needed in the a timely matter. I would of missed my lil fur-sister and I have no idea what Graham would of done with out his friend.
A weekend visit to the parents results in some VERY tired puppies!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Back To School...

After taking 8 weeks off of classes it's time to start back up. Sadly, this means bored lil puppies as I try to organized myself for the next 8 weeks of this term and 8 weeks after and then the follow 8 weeks and so on...for another year or so :( At least I have the cutest study buddies ever!!!