Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A Quite Night

Today was Lola’s surgery. I made sure to get lots of cuddles in last night and even brought her blankie with us to bed. I thought maybe I could get some of my smell on it to help her while at the vet. Both my dogs have their own blankie. They are both baby blankets that where purchased before we brought them home from the breeder. If they are ever away from home for long vet visits, boarding, or visits to my parents without me the blankies go with them.

Lola sleeping in bed with her blankie

The dogs and I woke up a bit earlier than normal, got ready for the day, and off it was to drop Lola off while on my way to work. I handed her over with her blankie and told her to be good. I was told to expect a call between 11 and noon. I think I had my phone on my lap all morning at work! I wasn’t as nervous as I thought I would be but I was ready to hear it was done. A bit after 11 I received the phone call from the vet saying she was out of surgery. Not only had things gone well but they “couldn’t have gone any better”. I had a small smile on my face. I asked when she could come home and was told tomorrow or the day after, depending on how she’s doing. I know my Lola is a tough cookie and will do good I just hope she doesn’t get depressed about not being at home.

Graham tends to have issues when I take Lola and not him. I could hear him crying while I was putting Lola in the car. I knew for sure I was going to need to give attention to this lil guy when I got home! So after the after work potty break for Graham we went for a walk. When we came home he circled the house a few times and kept looking at me, looking around the house, then back at me. I know he is missing her because he is letting me hold him. Graham loves attention but isn’t the biggest fan of being held for too long. Anytime I pick him up he doesn’t mind being held at all tonight. This is defiantly one of the quietest nights our house has had besides the few times we have been dog-less in it!!

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