Saturday, September 21, 2013

ACL Fall Fashion

Having ACL surgery has turned into quite a fashionable event for Lola.
Lola sporting some ACL Surgery Fashion
Most of Lola's back right leg is shaved and a portion of her right front leg as well. This has caused for some pretty cute looking little furry boats on her right feet.

Lola rocking her furry boot on her front paw.
Lola's back leg.
Lola's back leg also greatly resembles a raw piece of chicken meat.
Lola's chicken leg
Due to licking, Lola got to add the wonderful Cone of Shame to her ACL Surgery Fashion wardrobe.
The Cone of Shame
 The good news is Lola only needs to wear the cone of shame when we aren't home to supervisor her. She's not a fan of the cone but is a pretty good sport when it comes to putting it on and wearing it.

On the recovery side of things Lola just keeps acting better and better. Last night and today she is showing signs of wanting to use her leg. She'll place it lightly down when standing still. She's been getting hyper and excited when she see's her leash, more so then she did the other day. It's amazing to think she had her ACL surgery on Tuesday and today, Saturday, she's already doing this much better!! Now our biggest problem is her thinking she is feeling better then she is. We've had a couple issues of her trying to do a few things she can't which ended in some yelps and me getting a few bites. One of which was her trying to figure out how to climb up me to get onto the couch so she could join Graham in looking out the window. The end result was her jumping and landing a bit on her bad leg. I got bit on a few fingers and my arm because she thought I was the one who had caused the pain and she wobbled over to Josh for comfort. Poor Graham even almost got a few nips. Our instructions said no stairs for Lola and at the most she could only do three stairs. We are doing our best to discourage all stairs so she doesn't try to go up our flight of stairs but we have seen her go up and down the one stair that we have that goes from our back door into our kitchen.

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