Tuesday, September 24, 2013

ACL Surgery Recovery Week 1

Lola recovering from surgery.
One week ago Lola had surgery on her torn ACL. This week has helped show me just how strong my little fur baby is. The first day home I was for sure we were in for a long next few months dealing with her recovery. This week she has shown me just how much life she has inside of her.

Within a few nights of being home she went from sleeping curled up in a ball to sprawling out taking up the whole bed! Both Josh and I are a bit scared of moving her when she's sleeping so she gets to rule the bed more so then normal. Last night she laid between Josh and I and rolled onto her back. My face got a few paw punches from her back legs kicking in the air in her sleep.

Getting comfy in bed
After bringing Lola home I was carrying her everywhere. If I left the room without her I would return to find her a few feet from where I left her staring at me, trying to figure out how to get to the other room with me. This morning Lola decided to sneak out of my site while I ate breakfast and take herself upstairs! I was shocked to look up and see her waiting for me to come back to bed! I figured the way she acted the first few days the "no stairs, 3 step maximum" rule wouldn't be an issue for the first ten days, boy oh boy did Lola surprise me!
Trapping Lola upstairs
Lola is still wearing her cone when she is in her crate and my fear of her jumping off the couch is keeping me sitting on the floor until the further notice. Lola gets a little silly when putting the cone on her in the mornings and Graham thinks its play time. I hate having to tell Graham "no" when he tries to play and am ready to let them get back to their daily wrestling matches.
Graham enjoying the food and water that was placed in the living room

I am surprised with how well Graham is doing. I've been on a few walks with him and do my best to try and wear him out. He's getting anxious to play with Lola again and a few times he's done his best to get my attention. I can't wait until I can stop telling Graham he can't play with his sister yet.
Graham getting some attention
Lola's leg is also looking tons better! Her first day or so home her leg was a big swollen but it quickly went away. As of today it just looks like a giant cut going down her leg. I also would like to give props to our vet. The incision is lined up nicely down her leg so I don't think a scar will be to noticeable. I'm not vain about my dogs appearance but it does make me very appreciative that he took time and care to do so. I saw some pictures of dogs where the incision wasn't as straight as they could be.
Day after surgery
One week after surgery


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