Thursday, September 19, 2013

Starting to Recover

Today has been a good day! Lola is already acting better and Josh was able to come home a day early.
Starting to look better already!
This morning started off a bit rough. Lola seemed pretty sore and stiff and I didn’t have luck getting her to go potty. I wasn’t too surprised since she had little to nothing to eat and drink yesterday. I brought her inside and left Graham out to go potty while I ate my breakfast. I sat Lola down by the food and water dish and walked to get my breakfast ready. I looked down to see my little shadow standing by me. As I debated how concerned to be with her not eating, I accidently dropped some cereal on the floor. A few seconds later I hear a “crunch crunch crunch”! I “accidently” dropped some more cereal down figuring that it’s at least SOMETHING in her stomach. I set some dog food down by the cereal she was busy munching on incase she decided to eat everything up. I also came up with the idea to fill a drinking glass up with water since it wouldn’t require her having to bend over to get a drink. Worked like a charm. Although she didn’t eat the dog food we did get some cereal in her and some water. I left for work feeling better.
When I got home from work she already seemed like she felt better. I took her outside and still not luck with the pottying. We came in and I got her to drink some water out of the glass but still didn’t have much luck with the food (she had no problem eating the pill pocket though). She defiantly perked up when she saw Josh was home and we sat in the living room for a bit with her and she was starting to wobble around on her three legs and sitting around instead of lying around.

After Josh and I had dinner we were sitting around the couch. Lola hobbled into her dog bed and I placed her food bowl in it with her trying to get her to eat. She started pushing her head over the bowl, spilling food everywhere, trying to bury it! I also grabbed a glass of water for her and got her to take some drinks. It wasn’t too long before we did get her to eat some food from our hands. We sat around for a bit longer and she got up and started making her way to the other room. Finding it odd that she was trying to leave the room we were in I scooped her up and took her outside to see if she had to potty. SUCCESS! Even with the rain she ran straight into the grass to go pee.
Enjoying some lovin from papa.
Although she still seems sore she has defiantly increased her movements a little bit and I feel better now that she has eaten a bit, drank water, and gone potty. I feel like the recovery process is going well so far. We have caught her licking her leg a few times so we will be keeping an eye on that. Hopefully we don’t need to get the cone of shame, but I’m sure it’ll make for some fun pictures if we do.

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