Saturday, September 28, 2013

Lola's First Check-up

Today was Lola's 10 day check up, her first check up since her ACL surgery. I'm proud to say my little Lola Bear would of received a gold start had stickers been handed out. Maybe even two or three stars!

Upon entering the room the vet asked how things where going. I explained to him that Lola had become quite the handful the last few days and shared the example of her sneaking way and climbing upstairs when I was eating breakfast. He gave me an odd look so I quickly explained how we have been sitting on the floor with her and trapping her in area's when we think she'll sneak away. He said we were doing good.

He took Lola from my arms (she hates standing on the vet table) and mentioned something about this might hurt her a bit and before doing anything asked if she was using her leg. I explained that while walking she uses it but if its anything faced pace she's still limping or not using it. He put her on the floor and watched her walk around. Lola was a CHAMP and showed off how she is able to use her leg. He was impressed!

He put Lola back on the table and told me not only is Lola doing good and right on track but she's doing better then expected and is further ahead then he expected her to be today! It was so nice to FINALY get some good news from the vet. He said there will be no rehab for us to do with her. Partly because he doesn't like letting people do rehab on their own dogs and partly because of how well she is already doing. He also explained how hard it is to get little dogs to start using the bad leg again since they learn how easy it to get along with only have three legs. I laughed and said Lola was an awful three legged dog and how I thought she was happy to have the 4th leg back.

He sent us home with smiles and said to come back in for another check up in a month. If all goes well we are looking at two more check ups total within the next two months before he gives her the all clear. In the meantime we are to do exactly what we are doing now, limiting her activity. He said the hard part now will be trying to make sure she doesn't do things such as racing up stairs and playing rough with Graham since she is now feeling better. That is also going to mean more floor time since I know she will jump off the couch if we put her up there. As the vet said "2 weeks down, 6 to go!"

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