Tuesday, October 1, 2013

ACL Surgery Recovery Week 2

As the vet said on Saturday, 2 weeks down 6 more to go. After our amazing vet visit this weekend I have been feeling loads of relief that Lola is doing better. And he wasn't wrong about her wanting to be back to normal making the recovery process harder! She has escaped upstairs again and is itching to play with Graham. I feel awful telling them no when they start to play.

Preventing Lola from sneaking upstairs
After sneaking up stairs during breakfast the other day I had to figure out a way to keep her downstairs while I ate my breakfast. I started by putting the leash around my ankle but quickly found it hard to maneuver in any direction Lola didn't want to go. After a few days of the leash on my ankle I decided to tie the leash onto the oven door handle. It's been working pretty good so far and Lola and I have enjoyed eating our breakfasts together.

Not really much more to update on with Lola since her recovery is doing so well. She is no longer wearing the cone of shame since all the stitches are gone and her incision is nearly healed. Monday marked Lola's last day on pain pills but she is still taking a daily anti-inflammatory. Each day I feel like she is using her bad leg a little more. She's been able to sit on my lap a couple times and is back to laying in bed, sharing my pillow with me for a portion of the night. I enjoy having my lap dog back.

2 weeks since surgery and hardly any sign of it.

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