Thursday, October 3, 2013

A Little Graham Time

Lola has been getting a lot of attention lately, both online and offline. I thought because of this Graham deserved a blog post all about him. He's been doing super good with Lola. Even before Lola's surgery he seemed to know when she wasn't up to playing with him and would leave her alone. Since her surgery he has done a good job with letting her heal and not wrestling around. The last few days you can tell he's been itching to play with her and it's hard to keep both of them from trying to race around the house! I hate saying no when they play, I don't want them to think playing is bad. But sadly, I must say no for a few weeks still. The last few times I've said no graham has done a good job of backing off but it's Lola that's starting to try and pick the fight. But enough about Lola!!

To try and wear Graham out I've been trying to go on walks with him. We have a route we take that goes around our neighborhood. We've even added a little bit of running into our walks lately. I'm super careful and we only run a block before taking some time out to walk. I make sure to keep my eye on him during and after the walks/runs to make sure nothing is wrong, don't want two doggies to have surgery! If we run in our walks I make sure to give Graham a day or two to rest.....just in case!

Graham does really well on walks. It's something he's just naturally good at. I remember taking him to puppy class and when we were learning to loose leash walk he was already walking by my side keeping eye contact with me the whole time! The few times he pulls is when we first come out of the house and he's excited to get either in a car or to the sidewalk, and when we get on the sidewalk outside our house. Other then that it's rare to get a pull from him. He doesn't stop to mark things on walks, occasionally barks at things, and one only a walk or two he's gone goofy and had to sniff every pinecone we walked past and be silly in people's yard! He also dislikes walking on anything but the sidewalk. If the sidewalk is busted up and gravel like he will walk around it or jump over it.

Their is one yard that gives me trouble with Graham anytime we go buy it. It's tough to get him not to bark. If he isn't barking he's super alert  and no longer paying attention to me. Graham's arch-nemesis lives in this yard. His arch-nemesis is white with many black spots, a red collar, and never barks or moves. The enemy of all enemies is a statue of a Dalmatian! I don't know how Graham can't tell that this dog doesn't have  a scent and isn't real. Boy-oh-boy does this Dalmatian drive Graham NUTS! Some days I'm laughing so hard I want to go knock on their door so they can see just what there fake dog does to my real dog!

Enemy #1

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