Monday, October 21, 2013


Happy 5th Birthday Lola!!

5 years ago today Patrick Henry of Henry's Maltese replied to an email saying a litter of Maltese puppies had been born, 1 girl and 3 boys. That same day I put the deposit down on the little girl, my sweet little Lola. Patrick was wonderful and sent us puppy pics every few weeks so we were able to watch her grow from a little rat to a little fur ball. I love being able to say Lola was ours from the day she was born and being able to show off pictures of her only a week old!
1 week old Lola
 We waited patiently until we could bring the tiniest little ball of fluff home. I don't think our lives where ever the same again! She was a little diva from day one.
Josh holding puppy Lola

5 years later and it's hard to picture a day without her. We've had our ups and downs with her. From depression after bringing Graham home to being our flower girl in our wedding. I can't  believe how fast time has gone and that my little baby girl is now 5 years old. I can't wait for her to heal form her ACL surgery so we can go on more adventures.

Happy Birthday Lola!

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