Tuesday, October 8, 2013

ACL Surgery Recovery Week 3

I'm not sure how many weekly updates I'll have to be doing! Lola seems to be getting better and better each day and becoming more and more like her old self, a handful! She is one fluffy ball of energy.

This week we have had to try harder to keep her from doing things she shouldn't. Telling her and Graham to not play happens nearly daily, blocking the stairs is an every day thing, and not placing to many pillows by the couch is a biggie!

Two things happened this week that have proven just how much better she is feeling. The first thing was stealing one of Josh's dirty socks. She hasn't done this since before her surgery. The second thing was jumping on the back of the couch. She isn't allowed on the couch because we are afraid of her jumping off of it if we aren't paying 110% to her. Instead the opposite happened. We had her on the couch and making sure she stayed on when suddenly she turned around and jumped up the back of the couch! Although I know this was a bit of a no-no it was something nice to see. Before her surgery she had began to struggle getting up the back of the couch. It was one of those small signs that you saw and knew "something is wrong with my dog, this isn't in my head".

Below is a video of Lola walking a week before the surgery and Lola walking today. The first clip in the video isn't the best limping video but it shows how she was beginning to struggle walking around. The second clip in the video was taken today. I think it's pretty amazing how well she is walking only three weeks after surgery! (Hopefully this video works, I'm struggling getting it to upload on here and on YouTube).

Our next vet visit was scheduled for Sept 28th. Due to our vet being out of town we had to push it back one week. I was pumped to take her in last time to show off how well she was doing. I'm even MORE pumped to show off her recovery now!

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